©picture by scribbles (Marye McKenney)

Monday, September 17, 2012

Though Waters Roar

I've read many of Lynn Austin's books and all of them captured my imagination from the very beginning all the way through. She is a writer who understands her plots, her characters, her themes, and her settings; and she knows how to bring them all to life in vivid pictures in your mind as you read them.

Though Waters Roar chronicles Harriet's lineage from Hannah to BeBe to Lucy to Harriet; from the Underground Railroad, to Prohibition, to Women's Suffrage, to a desire to live out a legacy of brave women and be all that she was meant to be. With BeBe narrating most of the story and Harriet listening, the story unfolds bit by bit. As it unfolds, the reader gets to watch how it shapes Harriet.

Harriet's journey to find her place in the world is on a bumpy road that takes unexpected twists and turns, but each twist and turn has its own lesson for Harriet to learn.

This is a five-star, two-thumbs-up, and a get-out-of-jail-free-card book!

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