©picture by scribbles (Marye McKenney)

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Firefly Island

I haven't had a chance to read much of Lisa Wingate, but when I picked up this book through NetGalley, I decided to give her a whirl. I thought Firefly Island might be a really good toe-wetter to wade into Lisa's world. I was looking for a bit of humor as well as a bit of romance.

I don't normally give bad reviews because I am pretty good at choosing books to fit my tastes. HOWEVER, I missed on this one. There was a consistent story, but not enough to keep me truly engaged. There were bits and pieces of humor, but not much. There was romance, but it was secondary to the story. I did read the book all the way through, yet I have to say that the build up in the story took way too long.

Mallory was a DC mover and shaker working as an assistant to a Congressman pushing a clean energy act. Daniel was a biologist who had been offered a job in Texas. They are engaged after a short, whirlwind romance and married a short month later. The day after the wedding finds them on the road to Texas and Daniel's new job. Oh, yeah, Daniel has a son, Nick, by a previous marriage. Even when they get to where they are going in Texas, all is not as it should be: Daniel works long hours, Mallory is adjusting to being a stay-at-home mom while trying to clean their house to make it livable, Daniel's new boss is aloof while the townspeople whisper about his last wife and stepson who disappeared suddenly and have never been seen since, Jack (Daniel's boss)tries reconnecting with his son which leads to disastrous events, Jack's son Mason is a sleeze ball who has his hands in some underhanded dealings, and in the meantime, Mallory finds out she's pregnant.

The story seemed at times to be a ponderously slow up-hill climb, with a rapid descent to the finish. A bit of mystery mixed in keeps the reader engaged, but I truly wish there had been more to Daniel and Mallory's story.

Three and a half stars.

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