©picture by scribbles (Marye McKenney)

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Shelly has been a flight attendant for the last five years and now her airline is downsizing, possibly going under. So Shelly has moved back to her parents' home in Seattle to her childhood home where memories flood over her like the Red Sea over the Egyptians--memories of her best friend Jonathan (who lived next door) and the system of communication they had--the whistles and the bucket; the treehouse where they spent many memorable hours; and the first innocent kiss. They were inseperable until Jonathan was to go off to college and Shelly to flight attendant school. Jonathan prepared a date with Shelly, but didn't tell her what it was until they got there. He drove them to Whidby Island, took their bicycles out of the truck, and they rode to a little cafe for dinner where Jonathan proposed. Shelly panicked and turned him down because his plans put hers on hold.

Now that Shelly is back home, she's trying to find her place in the world. Her sister needs to go to Germany and wants Shelly to go with her. When they get there, they find that Jonathan is there and they bump into him and his fiancee. Everything seems lost to Shelly. Her job is tanking, she's never felt so far from God, and now Jonathan is getting married. Her poor heart just can't take any more.

Robin Jones Gunn spins a great story. I have loved every single one of the Glenbrooke series that I've read because while each book connects to the others, they can all stand alone as well. Each book is its own story and doesn't confuse the reader because of missed aspects in previous books. Now I want to read the rest of the books in the series. Clouds is a must read for Robin's fans.

Five Stars, Two Thumbs Up, and a whistle.

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