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Monday, August 12, 2013

Heartland Weddings

This book contains two complete novels, both novels' main characters are named Megan. Both Megans are not necessarily looking for love, but find it anyway.

A Wedding Song in Lexington, KY, by Jennifer Johnson, chronicles the love story of Megan McKinney and Justin Frasure--definitely an unlikely couple because Justin is Megan's boss, his best friend is marrying Megan's twin sister, Marianna. Marianna doesn't like Justin and tries everything in her power to prevent him from dating her sister. Megan has to tell Marianna to allow her to make her own dating decisions. Megan also has an estranged relationship with her mother. One thing that Megan does accomplish is learning to stand on her own two feet and make her own decisions.

A Wedding Homerun in Loveland, OH, by Cathy Liggett details the romance between Megan O'Donnell and MacNeill Hattaway that occurs while setting up a sports day for special needs children. The issue is near and dear to Megan's heart because of her own son, Sam, a little boy with Cerebral Palsy. Megan has to learn that not all men face their responsibilities by running away and that some men make the hard choices to fulfill their duties or even accept someone else's duties.

I truly enjoyed both novels in this book, but I found Sam's abilities a bit beyond what I know of Cerebral Palsy, especially his speech. I know great strides are made everyday in therapies to allow CP children to reach their full potentials and maybe I just haven't been around enough CP children to truly know, but a seven year old child wouldn't have the sophistication of speech this author gave him.

Still a solid four star book.

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