©picture by scribbles (Marye McKenney)

Saturday, September 7, 2013

A Home for My Heart

Sadie is the assistant to the matron of the Raystown Home for Orphaned and Friendless Children. She loves the children under her care and moves heaven and earth to make a home for them, to see that they have the very best that can be provided for them. Blaine has loved Sadie since he met her when at the age of ten he came to this same home to live with his younger brother. When the matron, Hazel decides to leave the home and get married, she recommends that Sadie take her place as matron. At the same time Blaine has bought a farm asks Sadie to marry him.

A Home for My Heart is a book about hearing God's true voice. Both Sadie and Blaine thought they were following God's will for each of them but hadn't taken the time to hear God's true voice on the matter. They both miss God's voice on significant matters and it leads to heartache for them as a couple and for both of them individually. Sadie's miscues come in hiring her assistant, in trying to do a job she wasn't gifted to do, and in losing the best friend she had ever had. Blaine's major miscue is running ahead of what God wants for him.

Anne Mateer has written a great story that at time baffles me, at times entertains me, but most importantly teaches me. I haven't been silent about my love for fiction that has a moral to it, or that teaches spiritual truth while letting me get lost in a story, but I feel this is a valuable asset to any fiction I read. Sure, I read "fluff"--pure entertainment--from time to time, but most of the time, I want to come away from a story stronger in my faith. One of my favorite authors even got to me with conviction on an issue I had. That to me is the benchmark of a truly good read. I don't just read fiction, I read for my own edification and I love those non-fiction books that really build me up. Anne has truly touched my heart with A Home for My Heart. Five Stars, Two Thumbs Up, and the love of a "friendless" child.

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