©picture by scribbles (Marye McKenney)

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

It's Almost Summer, but . . .

This book is a Breath of Spring. This is book four of the Seasons of the Heart series and while there are some parts of the plot that are more fully described in the previous books, this one is easily readable and the plot can be caught readily.

This is my first Charlotte Hubbard book, and I find her writing style quite light-hearted and fun. And every now and again a person just has to have light-hearted and fun.

Annie Mae is taking care of her sister Nellie after her father disgraced himself in the Amish colony where they lived. She has taken a job at the local cafe where Adam and his brother Matthias habituate. Because of the respect the members of the colony have for Annie Mae, they all take her in under their wings and they all treat her like a favored daughter. In return, Annie Mae learns their likes and dislikes, and will often box up to-go orders of sticky buns in anticipation of their orders.

Adam has secrets he's not willing to let go, but they are tearing him up inside. Working through them while occasionally rescuing Annie Mae from her various adventures has almost become his full time job, outside of his remodeling work.

Charlotte has taken these characters and given them real world problems in an "Old World" situation living in an Old Order Amish society. The actions and reactions of the people populating this book are believable and sympathetic. She has done a masterful job in telling this story. I wish I had read the other two books in the series first, but that doesn't in any way detract from this story on its own.

Five Stars, Two Thumbs Up, and a Sticky Bun To Go

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