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Thursday, May 28, 2015

An Empty Cup

Rosanna has been used, abused, and unthanked for much of her work. She gives and gives and gives without expecting in return, which is a good thing, since she rarely gets anything in return. Timothy, her husband, spends more and more of his time drinking and being abusive with his words to Rosanna and their children. When he dies, Rosanna doesn't believe she will marry again, but Reuben Troyer shows up to court her. After their marriage, Rosanna keeps her habit of giving and never receiving.

Sarah Price has written a book dealing with some of our society's ills placed in an Amish world. Because of the abuse of her first husband, Rosanna is loathe to rock the boat or upset Reuben. When Reuben hires a young lady to work in his leather shop, he ends up working more hours to keep up with the orders that keep coming in, instead of being able to spend more time with Rosanna. If Rosanna tries to suggest a solution, Reuben doesn't listen to her or believe her ideas have merit. As more things happen, Rosanna becomes more involved and overloaded until it comes to a head with a mental breakdown, complete with anxiety attacks and full-out catatonia.

One of Rosanna's friends counsels her to allow her cup to fill up or she will be an empty cup with nothing to give, and this is wise counsel for every Christian woman. I love when I can read a book and come away with a lesson to apply to my own spiritual life.

This is no less than a Five Star book, with Two Thumbs Up, and a full cup to allow you to give AND receive.

My thanks to Waterfall Press for allowing me to read and review this book.

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