©picture by scribbles (Marye McKenney)

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The Saddle Maker's Son

It hasn't been that long ago that I reviewed Kelly Irvin's novella in An Amish Market. So now she has a full length novel to follow her novella.

The Saddle Maker's Son takes on a new couple of people in Bee County, Texas--Rebekah and Tobias, but it also includes the romance between Susan, Rebekah's aenti, and Levi, Tobias' father. There is a cruise ship full of characters in this book and sometimes it is hard to keep them straight, but the charm is not diminished in the least by the plethora of people populating the pages of this novel.

Sometimes it is the side issues in the novel that make the rest of the plot keep its pace, and that is true here. Rebekah is helping out in the classroom when she finds some children in the school's shed--children from El Salvador who were coming to find their father and live with him. It is around and through these children that Rebekah and Tobias, and Susan and Levi make their connections, and it is for these children that all four work together so closely to help them stay in the country and start the life their grandmother wanted for them.

I found this story to be captivatingly compelling and worthy of a whole afternoon's time to read it.

Five Stars, Two Thumbs Up, and a big Amish family to keep laughter in your walls.

My thanks to Zondervan Publishing for allowing me to read and review this book.

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