©picture by scribbles (Marye McKenney)

Monday, May 23, 2016

Someone Like You

Hi! My name is Ladybug and I am going to be your guide today at Caliente Springs Resort. You'll see it in a way you never thought you would and in a way that the owners really don't approve. I am a goat and I belong to Ginger Travers, but no one really owns me. I am my own woman and I will plow over anyone in my way. I don't like being penned in and I don't like being roped up. I am fairly stubborn by my own admission.

Let me introduce you to the staff at Caliente Springs:

First, Zeke is the General Manager and is usually the one who hears the complaints when I get out. He's also the one who usually rounds me up when I get out. He's okay for a human, but he's not very tasty to me.

Next, Julia has been hired as a temporary fill-in for Irene who has to take time off for surgery. Julia and Zeke knew each other in college but their lives were vastly different then. Julia has a young son now and he takes the lion's share of her attention. The first time Julia and I met was especially memorable for her when I butted her into next week. Oh, yeah, Julia has been hired to be a wedding planner for Ginger's "honorary daughter," Tiffany. I helped to make that wedding pretty memorable too.

George Travers is Ginger's twin brother and together they own Caliente Springs. He doesn't care too much for me one way or the other, but he has a faith in God that just won't quit. Ginger wants to sell the resort, George wants to hold out and see if Zeke can turn things around.

It's all pretty interesting to see how Zeke and Julia get along, how Julia's mom falls for George, and how Julia's ex tries to stir things up.

I guess I should make mention of Julia's ex, his name is Hunter, and he is a bully of the first order. He gives me a run for the money in the stubbornness area. He's rather narcissistic and quite abusive to Julia and their son. Zeke would like nothing more than to give Hunter a punch in the nose, but he holds back.

I've got to say that Victoria Bylin was pretty nice giving me such a great role in her book. She loves her characters, and she can describe the scenery in a way that makes you think you are right there. You need to read Someone Like You, because I'M in it. Five Stars, Two Thumbs Up, and a goat to float in a boat.

My thanks to Bethany House Publishers for allowing me to read and review this book.

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