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Monday, October 17, 2016

The Devoted

Suzanne Woods Fisher is among my favorite Amish fiction authors, and with her newest offering, she does not disappoint. One of my favorite characteristics of Suzanne's books is that she shares what the characters are learning from the Bible and about living as Christ desires. The biblical concepts put forth in the book really shone into my life for my own Christian walk. That's a rare thing to find in a novel and I love finding it here.

Ruthie wants to do something important with her life, but she has no clue what that is. Luke Schrock wants to be her boyfriend, but his behavior has been degenerating and she wants to distance herself from him because of it. Ruthie has been helping Rose King with her Inn at Eagle Hill and prepares the cabin for a coming visitor who wishes to join the Amish church. After Ruthie has double-checked the cabin and is making her way home, she runs into a stranger who seems befuddled and possibly injured. He asks Ruthie for a place to stay and her only option was to allow the man to stay in the cabin. The next morning, the man was dead, and no one knew why.

Patrick Kelly shows up as the mystery around the dead man is uncovered. He has rented the cabin for a month but can't stay there until the investigation into the mystery man's death is resolved. Instead, he is offered Jesse Schrock's room across the road from the Inn, where he meets Ruthie and engages her as a tutor to teach him Pennsylvania Dutch.

David Schrock is the Bishop of the Amish church and is seeing things that stick in his gut as not being as right as they should be. Oil was found in the area and many of the parishioners have oil leases on their land, but they have become more self-centered, less willing to help out their neighbors, less giving, and generally compromising on their beliefs. It bothers David but he is unsure how to correct it. This is the part of the story I liked the best. It's a general conundrum to figure out where the sin is in the camp and how to address it.

This is the third story in The Bishop's Family series set in Stoney Ridge and brings many of the loose ends of the other two books into complete closure, while a couple of other issues could still be resolved in another book. I'm looking forward to what Suzanne has to come.

Five Stars, Two Thumbs Up, and a some true insight into Biblical concepts.

My thanks to Revell for allowing me to read and review this book.

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