©picture by scribbles (Marye McKenney)

Friday, October 14, 2016

When Love Arrives

When I began reading this book, I knew for sure that I had already read it. I searched my blog, sure I had read and reviewed it before. I hadn't read this particular book before, but I had read the first book in the series. Johnnie Alexander writes with a deft hand with well developed characters who feel like they are old friends. With her style of writing it is no small thing that I felt like I'd read the book before.

Dani Prescott is in Columbus following a man who slandered her dead mother and suggested she should have been convicted of murder. Dani wanted to publicly humiliate Brett Somers the same way he humiliated her mother, and by extension, her. Dani had followed Brett from his office to the children's hospital and watched him as he stood outside and gazed at a certain window. While he was there, she took a couple of pictures of him, for an unknown purpose at the time. An ambulance went by and changed Brett's gaze so that he saw her. He walked to where she was and engaged her in conversation and then asked her out. Thus begins a change in Brett that is so out of character for him, his friends begin to think he's falling in love.

Johnnie Alexander has a folksy way about her writing that creates an instant empathy with her characters. She allows her reader to explore the feelings her characters have as they develop. She does, however, use the boy meets girl, boy gets girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl back formula. It works here and makes the most sense--there has to be the angst leading up to the climax and denouement. Her setting is charming and only adds to the vehicle of the story.

Five Stars, Two Thumbs Up, and a new camera to record all of your adventures.

My thanks to Revell for allowing me to read and review this book.

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