©picture by scribbles (Marye McKenney)

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Goosey, Goosey, Gander

Melanie Dickerson takes ordinary fairy tales and reworks them to make complete novels.  She does a masterful job at taking the child-like story and making it an enjoyable narrative for adults to read.  Magdalen has been called to Wolfberg to wed the Duke there.  She only goes because she wants to better the lives of the people living in her demesne since the copper in her father's mines has played out.  Steffen is the Duke, but he's been in Prague going to school and his uncle has been overseeing his land and castle. His uncle calls him home to get married, but. . .

The story is set in Germany and puts the The Goose Girl into a setting where she is allowed to bloom and grow even though her identity has been stolen from her.  Steffen becomes her ally in this problematic situation because his life was being threatened by his uncle.

The Noble Servant is quite a story that is a quick read and hard to put down.  I appreciate Melanie's talent in telling the tale and her ability to make it so enjoyable.

Five stars, two thumbs up, and a goose-feather quill.

My thanks to Thomas Nelson for allowing me to read and review this book.

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