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Saturday, November 28, 2015

Every Girl Gets Confused

I think the title is a misnomer for this book, because instead of being confused, Katie finds herself figuring things out and getting her mind straight. Of course, Aunt Alva spends more time confused than she does with it, but that's a tale for a different time. Some of the funniest parts of the book include Aunt Alva not understanding what's going on.

Even though this book is the middle book of a series, there isn't too much of the story depending on the first book of the series. I am sure I would have understood the plot a bit better after reading the first one, but I wasn't too lost on details of the plot by jumping into the middle of the story.

Katie has taken a job at the Cosmopolitan Bridal Store and is working with the hunky Brady James. He is managing the store in his mother's absence and Katie is the financial officer of the store. When a disgruntled bride bad-mouths the store to the press, Katie jumps on the offensive by hosting a Black Friday Extravaganza--having other vendors in the wedding industry show their wares, giving away some of last year's dresses (as well as veils, shoes, and other paraphernalia), and having a huge sale. It saves the reputation of the store and brings in a great deal of goodwill.

This is one funny novel with Katie's grandma getting married, her aunt Alva finding true love for the first time, Katie getting settled in her new romance with Brady, and Katie's parents taking off on cruises and then buying an RV to tour the states. Janice Thompson has infused humor rather seamlessly into the story and made it a delight to read. The only thing that might have confused Katie is that her ex-boyfriend shows up at her grandmother's wedding and makes noises about getting back together, but Katie has put him behind her. Five Stars, Two Thumbs Up, and NO confusion for you.

My thanks to Revell publishing for allowing me to read and review this book.

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