©picture by scribbles (Marye McKenney)

Sunday, February 12, 2017

The Scarlet Coat

I have fallen in love with a new author.  She writes with an excitement that keeps readers involved in the book from beginning to end.  Angela K Couch has written The Scarlet Coat and set it during the Revolutionary War.

Rachel goes to find her brother and father after the battle  near Oriskinay.  Her brother was easy enough to find, but her father lay dead on the battlefield.  As she and Joseph, her brother, leave the battlefield, she sees a man who is still alive, and insists that even though he wears a scarlet coat, they bring him back home to nurse him back to health.  As the man gets better, he has no memory of who he is or what his background is.  The longer he stays with Rachel and Joseph, the more he learns of his identity, and the more he falls in love with Rachel and Rachel falls in love with him.

There is always a hint of danger throughout the book.  If Rachel's and Joseph's neighbor find out they are treating the British officer, an uprising will soon follow.

The climax and denouement are such that will bring the reader to the edge of the seat.  Angela's talents as a writer are soon to be noticed and held up for critical acclaim.  She has a talent that will take her far in the Christian fiction world.  I have left out a lot of details from my review because to reveal more of the plot of the book would be to spoil the plot.  I am not one who is discouraged by spoilers, but there are those who are and I respect that.

Five Stars, Two Thumbs Up, and the capture of a double agent

My thanks to Pelican Books for allowing me to read and review this book.

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