©picture by scribbles (Marye McKenney)

Sunday, January 27, 2019

The Preacher's Bride Collection

Barbour Publishing knows how to pull authors together to make an entertaining book of individual novellas that capture the reader's imagination for an hour or two.  This is the one book that is easy to put down, after you finish reading the novella you are on. 

Each of these stories takes the reader back in time to lives that were simpler except for finding a husband.  It seemed to be the most important thing a woman needed to do with her life.  Every young bride in this book uses a different method for lassoing her future husband, but they are all successful in their quest.  One knits scarves and mittens for the soldiers stationed nearby, one exposes a crook for who he really is, one keeps a preacher from dying of snakebite on the Oregon trail, and there are more stories for reading and enjoying on a cold, rainy day.

This is a five star book, two thumbs up, and a blanket for cuddling up while you read.

My thanks to Barbour Books for allowing me to read and review this book.  I keep a book like this in my TBR pile to lighten up after reading a book with a heavy plot.

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