©picture by scribbles (Marye McKenney)

Saturday, October 17, 2020

From This Moment . . . To Eternity


There aren't many books by Kim Vogel Sawyer that I haven't enjoyed immensely, so when I saw that this one was available, I jumped at the chance.  It's a strong five star book that really touches the heart in so many ways.  

One thing I really enjoyed about the book is that the romantic couple isn't obvious from the start, and if the reader doesn't look at the book blurb first, there is a bit of suspense of whom will be romantically involved.  This book is NOT a smarmy-marmy romance either.  It is a quiet growth of love coming out of friendship.  I am hoping this is the first of a series, because I want to know that someone finds Kenzie and falls in love with her heart.  

The overarching theme of the book is grace through Jesus Christ, and the working of the Holy Spirit in each Christian's life.  There could have been more details about Jase's years in the foster system and it would not have detracted from the story at all.  Lori's life with her father after her mother's death was handled with care and diplomacy.  The book builds up to Lori's reconciliation with her father after his emotionally abusive anger toward her.  

The crown jewel of the book is Kenzie's desire to tell her family about God's grace surpassing all of the rules they live by in the Amish community that she left years ago.  She found that Jesus' death on the cross paid for all of her sins on her Rumspringa and accepted that grace.  Kenzie is such a sweet girl, she needs her own spotlight in another book.  

This book is populated characters the reader just wants to get to know and befriend.  The church is one that I would want to belong to and be involved with.  

Five Stars, Two Thumbs Up, and a pan of Kenzie's Dutch chocolate brownies. 

Waterbrook/Multnomah and NetGalley.com provided the copy I read for this review.  All opinions expressed are my own.  

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