©picture by scribbles (Marye McKenney)

Saturday, February 1, 2020

The Englisch Daughter

Cindy Woodsmall and her daughter-in-law Erin have joined their mighty pens to create an Amish novel that speaks to many marital problems that are common in most Englisch marriages--secret families, money disappearing without the other spouse's knowledge, and an innocent child.

Jemima and her husband, Roy, have a horse farm that provides their livelihood, but Jemima has always dreamed of having a food truck to serve traditional Amish foods to Amish and tourists alike.  When it comes time to buy the food truck, there is no money to buy it, and Roy's secrets come tumbling down around his ears.

Jemima has seen her marriage growing colder without understanding why, and she wants to bring it back.  Cindy and Erin work through the plot to show how healing takes place, with a touch of grace and a whole lot of forgiveness.  They have also included a second plot that melds excellently with the primary plot.  Their combined talents have created the best Amish novel that I have read in a while. There were times of laughter, times of tears, times of anger, times of sadness all included in this book. Five stars, two thumbs up, and an Amish food truck up the road.

Waterbrook/Multnomah and NetGalley provided the book I read for this review.  I was only asked to share my honest opinion.

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