©picture by scribbles (Marye McKenney)

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

It's All Relative

 Helena has to go to a remote island off the coast of Florida to attend her mother's wedding.  The man she is marrying has three children and Helena is her mother's only child.  Helena feels threatened by Amelia, the fiancé's oldest, who has everything in hand and seems to be nearly perfect in every way.  Helena enlists her best friend, Landon, to go with her to the wedding only to find out that Amelia is his "one that got away."  

The book goes from one misadventure to the next and Helena lives up to her fly-by-the-seat-of-her-pants reputation throughout the whole book.  It seems to be a bone of contention with her mother and with Amelia.  

Rachel Magee has written a book that has laughs and angst and will keep the reader engaged and enjoying every minute.  The characters are a bit over the top and just a bit too much at times, but they learn from each other and find their true selves in the meantime.  This is a book I would read again.  There's everything from a capsized sailboat to Double Fudge with Chocolate Chunks ice cream and more twists and turns than a mountain highway.  It's All Relative is unpredictability at its finest. Four Strong Stars 

Thomas Nelson Fiction provided the copy I read for this review.  All opinions expressed are solely my own. 

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