©picture by scribbles (Marye McKenney)

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The Summer of Yes

Kelsey wakes up in the hospital after having been hit by a car that ran up onto the sidewalk where she was walking back to work after a break.  Soon after she wakes up, another woman is placed in her hospital room--making constant demands. After Kelsey is recovered enough to be released, she comes back to visit her roommate and to make a proposal to get the roommate out into the world again. After a conversation with her mother, Kelsey realizes that she says No to nearly everything.  Her mother thinks her accident was a disruptor meant to show Kelsey a better way to live, so she decides to say Yes to things she wouldn't normally do.  

Her roommate is Georgina Tate, a beauty products mogul worth a ton of money, but her health is failing and she seems to like her reclusiveness. When Kelsey asks Georgina if she had regrets, Georgina doesn't answer her but a sad look crosses her face and quickly disappears.  Still Kelsey sees the look and convinces Georgina to join her on her "Summer of Yes" adventure.  The adventure allows Georgina to reconnect with family and Kelsey to find out what she really wants out of life.  

This book is a quick read because the action encourages the reader to keep on going.  It's the kind of book that needs to be read before summer actually starts because it will encourage readers to enjoin their own Summer of Yes and to take on new adventures, to pay attention to life's disruptions, and to find themselves for who they truly are. 

This is one of the best books by Courtney Walsh that I have read.  Kelsey is as irrepressible as Georgina is recalcitrant. Their personalities clash at every turn, but mutual respect is earned and a friendship is ultimately formed.  This is a five-star book with two thumbs up and a road trip in a 1965 Mustang. 

Thomas Nelson Fiction provided the copy I read for this review.  All opinions expressed are solely my own. 


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