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Tuesday, August 7, 2018

The Mending

Often when I see the word "mending" I think about clothes that need a seam reinforcement or something like that.  That's not what this novel is about. 

Malinda has Crohn's Disease and she believes that excludes her from getting married or having children.  She believes the cost of her medications and possible surgery would put her completely out of any bachelor's market.  This theme runs throughout the book.  Malinda seems to be waiting for the next flare of her disease and can't see who she is beyond her disease.  In some ways I can relate to her struggles:  I too have a chronic disease and I work hard not to let it define me.  Malinda has let her condition define who she is. 

Susan Lantz Simpson has written a fairly good Amish fiction book that resonates with many readers. There is love, tension, complications, and a too helpful family.  A solid four star book. 

My appreciation goes to Kensington Press for allowing me to read and review this book.

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