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Sunday, August 5, 2018

A Simple Singing

Leslie Gould writes all kinds of romantic fiction, but the book I just read, this one is the absolute best I've read by her.

While the story revolves around Marie and Gordon and their romance, the biggest point that Leslie makes in this novel is that everything we do should revolve around pleasing God most of all.  If He has given us a talent or a gift, it is a sin not to use it.  People will come into our lives who will put up road blocks in our paths to living a life that pleases God. 

Leslie opens the book with James 4:17:   So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.

Marie's particular gift is perfect pitch.  She can pick out tunes and sing them note for note, her voice was angelic, but to use her voice or instruments went against the rules of the church. 

I really appreciate Leslie's emphasis on pleasing God instead of checking off a list of rules.   This is a five-star book, two thumbs up, and a song sung in perfect pitch.

I am very appreciative of Bethany House for allowing me to read and review this book.

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