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Friday, September 28, 2018

In Dreams Forgotten

SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!  The dream is Judith's dream for a family.  The parents who raised her have passed away and she wants to find the remainder of her family if at all possible. 

The year is 1906.  The Place is San Francisco.  The overarching event is a massive earthquake that devastates the entire city.  The characters are continuing the story begun in Hidden Places (reviewed here).

In Hidden Places, Camrianne Coulter falls in love with Patrick Murdock.  Now the girls are trying to get Caleb to notice Judith, because she fell in love with him at first sight. 

Not many characters have changed, a few new ones have been temporarily added.  Caleb is still fighting corruption, Patrick still wants his business back, Judith still wants to find her family remnants, and Kenzie wants to just lick her wounds.

Tracie Peterson still has a masterful touch in bringing these characters to life and giving a glimpse into the world of San Francisco in 1906.  In Dreams Forgotten, Tracie shows that not all dreams need to be forgotten, but God may have a different dream for you. 

This is a five star book, two thumbs up, and a dream come true.

My thanks to Bethany House for allowing me to read and review this book.  The galley I read was supplied through NetGalley.com.

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