©picture by scribbles (Marye McKenney)

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

If You Hold Me

 Ciara Knight writes sweet romances that are engaging and just the right fit for a light read.  When I first loaded this book onto my Kindle, I was unexpectedly surprised, and pleasantly so. It tickles me that the last two books I read took place in towns with Maple in the names. 

Mary-Beth is the so-called Coffee Whisperer of Sugar Maple, Tennessee. Her former boyfriend, Tanner McCadden, has come back to town after his father's death to help run his family's farm.  The problem for Mary-Beth is that she can't figure out what kind of coffee hits Tanner's sweet spot.  There is a lot of water under the bridge where their relationship was to where it is now. Underlying all the angst between them are lies and deceptions that have kept them apart for years--lies told by both sets of parents and deliberate deceptions meant to at odds. 

What I didn't realize when I started reading this book is that is the fourth book of a series, but that doesn't make it any less readable or enjoyable.  I don't feel like I have missed anything by not reading the other books first. I think the focus on Mary-Beth and Tanner provides enough background to make the plot quite understandable.  If You Hold Me is written well enough that it could be a stand-alone novel. 

So here's the scoop: the characters are relatable, the plot lines are believable, the setting is charming, and the outcome is extremely satisfying, giving this book four solid stars. 

Author Collective 20 and NetGalley.com provided the copy I read for this review.  All opinions expressed are my own. 

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